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Knowledge HuntPDF document

(Knowledge Hunt PDF without answers:PDF document)

A "Knowledge Hunt" is a short quiz that includes 10 knowledge-based questions. These activities are meant to assist students in exploring and quickly becoming familiar with one of the theme areas. They may be used as a short, five-minute introduction to the content and navigation of the site or even as an online, small-group scavenger hunt. The Knowledge Hunts are available for teachers with or without answers. The version without answers is also contained within Student Resources or it may be printed off for student use.

As an introductory activity to the Mavericks: An Incorrigible History of Alberta web site, students may take five to ten minutes to become familiar with the site and answer the specific questions they have been provided.

  1. By the end of the First World War in 1918, how many soldiers were trained at Sarcee Camp, just west of Calgary?
    A. 40 000
  2. What famous Albertan served in the Royal Flying Corps?
    A. Captain Fred McCall
  3. The Second World War against Germany began in 1939. When did it end?
    A. 1945
  4. What massive program trained tens of thousands of pilots, air gunners, and bomb aimers in Alberta during the Second World War?
    A. British Commonwealth Air Training Plan
  5. In 1875, Sam Steele was promoted to what job?
    A. Chief constable of the NWMP.
  6. Where did Sam Steele go to war in 1899?
    A. South Africa
  7. Who was Mary Dover's famous father?
    A. A.E. Cross
  8. What organization did Mary Dover join in September 1941?
    A. Canadian Women's Army Corp (CWAC)
  9. How old was Fred McCall when he joined the 175th Battalion in 1916?
    A. 19 years 2 months
  10. How many victories (or planes he shot down) was Fred McCall credited with in the First World War?
    A. 37


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